I have created another blog to give updates on my writing efforts. You can find it here.

September 16, 2008

In which I say hi to my wife

My wife was looking at my blog this afternoon and fussed at me for not writing about her more often. My bad! So here I am, writing about her now. She's in bed and won't see this until tomorrow, but I wanted to do it anyway.

Yesterday was our 29 month anniversary. We've been married almost two and a half years. It's still the best decision I ever made. I have a friend, a champion, a support system, a lover, a companion, and a critic all in one sexy package. I love every bit of it, even the critic part. Lord knows I need some guidance now and then.

I have become a better person due to my wife and our family, and I have seen and done things I would have never done without their influence in my life. For that and for so much else, Darlene, thank you. You have opened my world to a whole new set of experiences and wonders. You have inspired me in so many ways, and I will never be able to thank you enough, nor will I be able to truly express what you mean to me.

I certainly can't do her justice in a blog entry, but what I can do is say it for the world to read: I love my wife!


Anonymous said...

You are such a suck up.

Sam Brady said...

Of course I am.