I'm going to try and make things easier on myself on-line. I spend a lot of time just clicking about doing pointless things. I want to cut down on that. To that end I'm going to cut the number of games I play on Facebook down to just one (Lexulous) and reduce the number of blogs on my CSS feeds. Less distracting Facebookian clickage and less random blabber going into my eyeballs on Google Reader may make my life easier to navigate. Maybe at some point I will actually use the extra time to do the things I want to do in life: spend time with the family, work on my writing, get on the treadmill.
The treadmill is very near and dear to my heart these days. Darlene and I have joined Weight Watchers and I want to use the treadmill to help me get some exercise in addition to the point counting. I do some low/medium-impact walking at work, but if I can do more hardcore stuff on the treadmill at home that would help even more, especially on those days I have a little too much to eat.
I'll be posting updates on Facebook and here each week after my weigh-ins. My starting weight was 229.2. Last weekend I weighed in at 224.8, down 4.4 pounds in my first week. Go me! Wish me luck--support your local blogger, in the real world as well as on-line!
February 13, 2012
Simplifying life, on-line and otherwise
February 3, 2012
A renewal of purpose; a statement of intent
It's been a long time since I blogged here. One entry in April 2010 is all that I've published since October 2009. Here's how long it's really been: when last I published any real news we were moving from Sandy Springs to Dawsonville. Now we've been in Cumming for almost two years. That's a long time.
My on-line life has been pretty much exclusively lived on Facebook for the last three years. I stopped blogging a couple of years ago because...um...because...well, I don't really know why I stopped. I guess I just stopped taking the time to sit down and write things out.
My personal and family news gets shared on Facebook these days, but that's not really what I ever used this blog for anyway. The blog was more for telling stories, reliving memories, and getting things off my chest. I want to get back into that habit. I want to start blogging again. I want to do it as much for the chance to flex my writing muscles as anything else. About all that I've written in the last couple of years is fiction. I haven't done much epistolary writing and I really want to get back into that. I like this format and I want to do more of it. It's nice having a place to vent and just get random thoughts down on the page. Screen. Whatever.
I'm going to try to blog at least once a week. No idea what it'll be about. I'm sure the focus of the blog will change from post to post just as it always has. I'll write about whatever is in my head at the time. It might be a crazy story from high school or a rant about fantasy football or some other thing jammed in my head that is too long and clunky for a Facebook status.
Hopefully I can stick with this. I'm famous for setting writing goals that somehow never get met. I'll do my best to meet this one. Keep coming back to see how I do and, as you always have, support your local blogger.